CASE STUDY – WEX streamlines Best Western’s charge card
Best Western Hotels & Resorts is a global hotel brand headquartered
in Phoenix, Arizona with a global network of 4,200 hotels in more than 100 countries.
When Best Western Hotels & Resorts was looking to simplify the operation of its inhouse charge card offering, the best solution was obvious; partner with their trusted existing supplier – WEX.
For many years, Best Western ran its own successful charge card program to meet the needs of corporate customers. However, when the increasing popularity of the program started to impinge on the primary roles of their inhouse accounts team, BW’s Senior Sales Manager, Kim Savery knew that a more efficient process was required to advance the charge card program.
“Our clients had become reliant on our charge card program. But after a rapid growth phase, it became a major financial program, which is not our core business,” Mr Savery said.